Oh My Beloved 2012!

Oh my beloved 2012!!!
How I have waited patiently for you!
And you have arrived
Now listen and let me speak to you:

I know you bring with you many challenges and troubled times
I know you have been touted as the year to watch out for… for all the wrong reasons
Even Hollywood has had one or two things to say about you in recent times (just ask John Cusack)
Oh well!
The British Prime Minister said you’d be a tough nut to crack
The German Chancellor heralded your entrance with a grim face
Every economy is worried about you
And here I sit; grinning, almost asking “What’s all the fuss about?”

So while I sit, I beckon you, nay, I summon you to sit too and listen to me speak to you:
My name is Joseph Iregbu and I’m a son of promise!
I don’t do pessimism. I believe. My faith compels and inspires me. And this is what I believe: You will be a great year for me… a year of greatness, 3-fold grace and glory!!!
Listen dude, let’s cut out all the unnecessary drama!
I know you’ve come with some tough times but not for me.
The One who created and controls you already told me everything will be alright for me.
So simply unpack your bag, sift through and download all my goodies. And let me know if you need a hand. As you do, oh 2012, I promise you we will both have a nice time. Seriously, you will enjoy me!!!

My beloved 2012, I’m done speaking for now.
And before you ask, no you don’t have the right to say anything. Just do as I’ve told you.
All enquiries should be directed to The Architect of Time… He sent you to me!

Thanks for your cooperation. Oh, did I say how much I already love you?

Yours truly,

Joseph Iregbu

Before You Cross Over…

I’ve said before that I don’t do new year resolutions. And truly I don’t. I’ve found they’re too weak as we are to be effective for the needed change. They’re unstable and unable to give the necessary reassurance in the day of trial and test. Hence I resort to the One who formed the universe to give me a word… Just a Word will do.
Hear what He’s already saying:
“And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”
(Exodus 33:14 KJV)

I challenge you to put away your new year resolutions and seek the Lord for a word for your life. Let God speak into your life. Resolutions don’t hold water on the day of adversity, but God’s word is our sure help in times of trouble.
Let the Architect of the Universe lead you through the path you have never walked before.
Let the One that formed the earth show you the way.
Let the Commander of the host of heaven fight the battles of 2012 on your behalf.
Let the King of Glory rule over the affairs of your life.
Let the One, in whose hands rest the pillars of the world, shape the pillars of your life.
You can do with some help. I already asked for mine. And for us, our help is of and from the Lord.

Don’t you want the Lord’s help in 2012?
Aren’t you tired of trying your own way (which never works anyway!)?
Don’t you think you can do with some rest while another fights for you?
Won’t it make a difference for another to bear your burdens (they’re too many for you alone)?
I see you… you look to me like you could do with some rest (I definitely do!!!).
I see you… some burden-bearing will make a huge difference in your life.
So I urge you… I challenge you, quit trying in your own power; release the burden on THE CROSS.
And as you do, He will speak into your life, a word strong enough, mighty enough and reassuring enough for the journey ahead.

This is to a fulfilling and courageous year ahead.